Helping Birds Survive Winter Nights
You Can Help Birds Survive Winter Nights by Providing High Fat Foods 
Typically, your feeders serve as a supplemental source of food for birds in your yard. Normally, birds that come to feeders obtain only about 20% of their daily calories from your feeders, with the rest being obtained naturally. In contrast, during periods of cold and severe winter weather, your birds may switch to utilizing your feeder as the critical source of food that enables them to survive from day to day.
Fat is the most concentrated energy source that a bird can consume and stored body fat is the primary energy supply that fuels a bird between meals and through these long winter nights. Their daily challenge is to find enough food to not only make it through each day, but to also replace their fat reserves for the coming night
High fat foods are a critical necessity that you can provide your birds to help them survive the long winter nights. And one of the best food to offer is WBU’s Winter SuperBlend, which has been specifically formulated to provide birds’ with the much needed fat and energy they need to survive whatever winter throws at them.
High fat foods for cold winter nights, it's only 1/2 the story. All birds need water to drink & yes, bathe, even in frigid temperatures. Dehydration is another peril birds face in winter, so consider providing an open water source for your feathered flock!
Recommended Blends: Winter SuperBlend, Choice, No-Mess, Supreme, BugBerry Blend, Nutty for Nuts
Recommended Seeds: Peanuts, Nyjer, Sunflower Chips
Recommended Other Foods: Stackable Seed and Suet Cylinders, all of Jim's Birdacious Treats