Offer a Variety of Foods to Attract a Variety of Birds

From our exclusive seed blends and suets to nectar and insects, we offer a variety of foods to help you attract the widest variety of birds to your yard. All of our foods feature the highest quality ingredients, so you can be sure you're offering the best to your backyard dinner guests. 

Try offering a variety of foods to attract a variety of birds to your yard.  Consider adding one or more types of foods:

Seed (loose and cylinder forms)

Suets & Bark Butter

Peanuts & Tree Nuts




Offer a variety of Foods at Different Levels to Attract a Variety of Birds

Birds tend to choose feeders that are at the same height where they would find food in the wild.  Imitating these natural feeding levels will help you to attract the most birds to your backyard.

There are two common feeding levels: Elevated and Ground

1.Feeding at the Elevated Level

Elevated-Feeding birds live in the forest and forage for food in the trees.  these birds prefer sunflower seeds, safflower, and peanuts.  To attract elevated-feeding birds, offer WBU Supreme, Choice, or No-Mess Blend in a Quick-Clean seed tube feeder or Hopper feeder on an Advanced Pole System bird feeding station.  You can also place a hanging feeder in a tree with a tree hook.

Typical elevated-feeding birds:

  • Chickadees
  • Titmice
  • Jays
  • Nuthatches
  • Woodpeckers

2. Feeding at the Ground Level

These birds often live in meadows and/or fields where fallen plant seeds are a food source.  Though millet is the preferred seed of most ground-feeding birds, they will eat other grains and seeds, such as sunflower.  

To attract ground-feeding birds, offer WBU Deluxe Blend, No-Mess Blend, or other appropriate blends in an EcoTough Ground Tray.

Typical ground-feeding birds:

  • Juncos
  • Towhees
  • Doves
  • Sparrows
  • Quail

3. Feeding at Both Levels with One Feeder 

To attract birds at both levels using one feeder, offer WBU Deluxe or No-Mess Blend in an EcoTough Classic Hopper feeder.  This feeder was designed to accommodate both feeding levels.  Elevated-feeding birds will eat the larger seeds at the feeder and knock out the millet and other seeds for ground-feeding birds.  It's a win-win for the birds and you!